- What makes us come across? Destination? Coincidence? Chances of possibilities? It seems uncertain or certain. 命运?巧合?还是机缘?似乎不可捉摸。可能也在情理之中。
- Learning English makes us come together. 学习英语让我们走到了一起.
- What makes us so confident in managing our future? 是甚么令我们对自我主宰未来充满信心?
- What makes us think there are impossibilities? 什么使得我们认为不可能?
- What makes us righteous before God is not hearing the Law, but obeying it. 因为在天主前,并不是听法律的算为义人,而是实行法律的才称为义人。
- Why did they make us come to work for just one day in the middle of all those days off ? 在这休假中,为什么要我们出来工作一天?
- The more you give, the more it demands and the busier we get, although we may never figure out what makes us so busy. 你越给它,它越要。所以大家才一天到晚忙,不晓得忙什么。
- It’s what makes us unique the thing most idolized on a model and the sign age is catching up with us. 脸使我们不同于他人,在模特身上它是最令人着迷的部位,脸还是我们年龄变化的标志。
- Or, we could spend the rest of our life introspectively evaluating what makes us happy. 或者,我们可以用我们余下的时间来反思和评估是什么让我们幸福。
- But mating and the rituals surrounding it make us come unhinged in other ways too, ones that are harder to explain by the mere babymaking imperative. 但是,交配行为和相关仪式也使我们会去在其它的方面“失控”。
- Hi everyone. Scientists may have uncovered a clue to what makes us human, and it's built right into the brain. 大家好。科学家可能已经发现人之所以成为人的线索,而且它就在我们的大脑中。
- Choi Fook Sau What makes us lacking in land of burial?How can we solve this issue? 财福寿何解死无葬身之地?又如何能找到安身之所?在香港,衣食住行是一个烦恼问题;
- We must also decide that what makes us significant is either what we do or what we refuse to do. 我们也必须决定,使我们成功的一是我们所做的事,二是我们所拒绝做的事。
- Emotions are what make us human,make us real. The word "emotion" stands for energy in motion. 人需要有感情,它使我们真实,感情这个词表达着行动的动力。
- Many a time have we come across this same photo. 我们多次都见到过这同一张照片。
- One thing this company has never been is stuffy.And this is a valuable thing not to have been and is very much a part of what makes us tick. 这家公司从不曾刻板而无趣。这是我们珍贵的资产,也是每天兢兢业业的原动力。
- Come across now, I've asked for it often enough. 现在就拿出来,我已要过多次了。
- Emotions are what make us human. Make us real. The word 'emotion' stands for energy in motion. 人需要有感情,它使我们真实,感情这个词表达着行动的动力。
- When will you come across with the money? 你什么时候可以还清钱?
- Homo sapiens are one of the most notable exceptions, leading some scientists to think fatherhood is an important part of what makes us human. 现代人是最值得注意的一个例外,致使一些科学家认为父道在培养孩子富有人情味方面起着重要作用。